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Blooms Eco Village
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Blooms Eco Village Company

Blooms Eco Village

Contact Details

Berigai – KGF Rd,
Tamil Nadu
+91 9845039353

About Company

Blooms Eco Village is reminiscent of a simpler time. The beauty of our properties is characterized by simplicity and serenity, where spirituality meets beauty. The charm and harmony of farm life are mixed with the comforts of peaceful and comfortable homes within the fields of fruit orchards, sprawling estates, and vegetable gardens. We, the Blooms family, are rooted in the belief in greener earth to live on, for us and for the generations to come. During the past few years, more than 12,000 trees have been planted, which is a modest testament to this belief.

These are proud to be able to say that our customer base in each of our properties goes beyond just being satisfied and happy. Several of them use this as a weekend getaway while others have made it their retirement home. Come to experience nature, where nestled among the greenery and the humble charm of farm life you are welcomed by the comfort and peace of a new home. When you purchase managed farmland, you are doing your part to repay Earth, as a token of gratitude to the soil for what it has bestowed.

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